This essay mentions salary theme, one sensitive problem. If you understand much more information below, you can easily propose high salary. It’s said that I have good experience but my salary is not good. And I shall help you this problem:

How to propose high salary to recruiter

  1. Well-prepared before interview:

How to propose high salary to recruiter

Actively find out more information before interview is very important action. You should understand how much salary is on labor market, with your applying position.

You can research and refer from friends, relative persons or searching Google toolbar to know how much salary other recruiters have paid. From then, you can visualize salary in the lowest, which you accept if you unsuccessfully negotiate. The most important thing you must understand value and ability in yourself truthfully. Therefore, you can propose salary to recruiter most suitably.

  1. Don’t actively mention salary theme on the first:

If in interview process, recruiter still hasn’t discussed your salary, you shouldn’t mention soon. That’s mean recruiter still hasn’t high-appreciated to you, you are not actually suitable for recruiting position. Therefore, before discussing more about salary to recruiter, you should make them understand what you are able to contribute into their company. Which your strengths you have, to make being recruited but not the other candidates. When recruiter realizes that you are potential candidate, they will convince you join in his company.

  1. Perform that you are completely worthy of proposed salary:

You should perform taking interest in their recruiting position and expectation in working there. Perform that you are the most suitable candidate and they’re difficult to find another candidate like you. Clearly show your strengths, working experience, valuable achievement when staying at old company. Besides, you also should put some questions to recruiter to understand more working requests, and perform your interest to them. When certainly that you are able to well-completed this job, you are very confident of proposing salary higher than their offer at first. Let the recruiter realize that what they have for you is perfectly worthy it !

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Cập nhật lúc 21:02 – 24/03/2018

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